Marking 9 years of Jim Beam

This is Mark Lamont, but you may know him as Jim Beam or local mountain bike extraordinaire. Regardless of how he is known to you, Mark is celebrating nine continuous years with KR Steel this month, with his career at KRG starting way back in 2005. We worked together for a good few years before […]

Ailie’s SVQ Accreditation

Receiving recognition for hard work and dedication is always a great feeling, and this is especially true for Accounts & HR Supervisor, Ailie Finnie, who has recently achieved an accreditation as SVQ Assessor (SCQF level 8) from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). This achievement has been ongoing for some time, with Ailie putting in long […]

Winning FSB Community Award

We’re delighted to share KR Group’s recent win at the FSB Scottish Small Business Awards. Due to our charitable and social initiatives, in particular our work with young people in the Northeast, we were named as Scottish finalists for the Community Award earlier this year. In March, we attended the FSB finals in Glasgow and […]

Craig Reaches 8 Year Milestone

Craig Duncan, Assistant Operations Manager, celebrates 8 consecutive years with KR Group today. But really, his journey with us started long before that. Craig grew up in the small coastal town of Gamrie and met Kenny at just 4 or 5 years old. They were good friends throughout school before both ending up at RIM […]

Repurposed PIR Board: Case Study

12-09-22 In December 2021, an Aberdeenshire client had planned to remove glazing from an internal wall between their lounge and dining area, and replace it with plasterboard. To reduce the sound transfer between the two rooms, they got in touch with us to purchase rigid insulation that could be placed between the timber studs. KR […]

8 years at KR Group

Emma started with KR Group eight years ago, on 1st September 2014. “Nicola and I became friends when our kids went to playgroup together. One day Nic mentioned she could do with some Admin help for the business. I said I could do it, and the rest is history!” At that time, Emma worked from […]


As many young people across the UK receive their SQA results, KR Group Business Director Nicola chats about the path that led her to today. “I grew up in Macduff, and started working in the kitchen of the local chippie at the grand old age of 11, for the grand old wage of 80p per […]


Local steel and cladding company, KR Group, has been shortlisted as a finalist in the sustainability category for the VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022. Our environmental achievements have once again been recognised on a national level. Following a series of awards finals this year, including the CeeD Awards and Northern Star Business Awards, the […]

Giving The Next Generation A Step Up

05-07-22 Josh grew up in Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, and was a student at Ellon Academy. Aged 17, he began his degree at Robert Gordons University, studying Architectural Technology. “I’ve always enjoyed watching YouTube videos of cool residential builds and even as a young teen, architecture really interested me,” explains Josh. “At school, I really enjoyed Graphic […]

A Beam of Light

23-06-22 This is Mark Lamont, fondly known as Jim Beam at KR, but he usually goes by “Jim”. Today marks an 8 year home straight for Jim, but in reality, he’s been a support to us for much longer than that. Aged just 18 and 25 and working as Steel Erectors, Kenny and Jim met in 1996. […]

Footie and Fundraising

In May, several local businesses swapped a day in the office for a day of Footie, joining us in a bid to raise cash for young families in the Northeast. KR Group invited clients and associates to a 5-aside football tournament at Strikers Indoor Football Club in Aberdeen. The day was well attended and saw […]

Team KR tackles KiltWalk 2022

And I would walk 15.7 miles… and I would walk 15.7 more! It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. But combined, we gave the Proclaimers a run for their money, gained a few blisters, and raised a brilliant £1,370 for AberNecessities. The KiltWalk, which took place on 29th May, saw Team KR walk […]

KR Group is awarded NoFitech contract

KR Group are delighted to have been awarded a contract, on behalf of client NoFitech, to provide steel work and cladding for the build of a state-of-the-art Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) at Applecross, Scotland. As part of a £49 million investment in their Wester Ross site, the Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) has partnered with Norwegian […]


KR Group Makes a Pact for the Planet We are lucky to live in Scotland, one of the most beautiful and biodiverse countries in the world. To preserve our landscapes and wildlife, it is essential that businesses make conscious steps to limit or offset their carbon footprint. We are therefore delighted to announce that KR […]

An insight into Shree’s 3-month Internship

Written by Shreelata Krishnan After an 3 extremely interesting months, my fantastic internship with KR Group has come to an end. Here, I could indulge my passion, while working and making a real contribution to creating sustainable solutions – not just learn and talk about it! “KR Group is a wonderful organisation where they ‘walk […]


We are delighted to officially launch KR Bon Reduction, our circular economy project, in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland and the European Regional Development Fund. This pilot scheme initiative is set to divert 2,498 tonnes of waste from landfill in the next 5 years. Currently, we have a small, dedicated team who manually strip and […]