Repurposed PIR Board: Case Study


In December 2021, an Aberdeenshire client had planned to remove glazing from an internal wall between their lounge and dining area, and replace it with plasterboard.

To reduce the sound transfer between the two rooms, they got in touch with us to purchase rigid insulation that could be placed between the timber studs.

Before (view 1)
Before (view 2)

KR Group supplied the client with repurposed PIR Board at 50mm thick. The client benefitted from having the option of smaller cuts that would fit in their car easily and could be easily slotted between the studs. Furthermore, they could purchase exactly how much they needed in m2 and had minimal waste for this small project.

Glass removed and PIR Board fitted (view 1)
Glass removed and PIR Board fitted (view 2)

Because of its high insulation value, PIR saves a huge amount of space, as less material is required to attain the same insulation value. The lightweight material is particularly easy to cut and creates virtually no dust. The client commented on how easily the boards could be fitted, as it’s a case of simply slotting the boards into place.

Plasterboard fitted (view 2)
Walls taped and skimmed (view 2)

“Whenever I carry out home improvement projects, I often find I’ve lots of leftover material and that delivery charges really increase the cost. Being able to purchase smaller sizes of insulation meant very little waste and negated delivery as I was able to transport the material in my car.”

“I purchased the stock I needed and collected it 3 days later. A simple and quick service.”
Frame fitted for cupboard (view 1)
Plasterboard fitted, walls taped and skimmed (view 1)

The dated frosted panels had been replaced with a clean, modern look. The client chose to utilise the new wall space in the dining area by installing a built-in pantry cupboard, a practical solution for a young family.

Finished result (view 1)

In the end, the client made savings of over 50% by purchasing our repurposed insulation instead of buying new.

The client’s purchase also prevented 4,000gms of Co2eq emissions and diverted PIR Board that would have otherwise gone to landfill.

If you would like to buy repurposed PIR Board or find out more about our circular economic solution to cladding waste, head to our KR Bon website here.

Whether your project is big or small, our friendly team are happy to chat.

Get in touch at or on 01358 788907 between Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.