Scottish steel and cladding specialists set for final of VIBES sustainability awards

Aberdeenshire-based construction and engineering firm, KR Group, have been short-listed for the 2024 VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards in recognition of their steadfast commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The family business is the only North-east firm to be shortlisted in the ‘Circular Scotland’ category of the prestigious VIBES awards scheme, which champions the link […]
Looking at Our Rainwater Harvesting System 1 Year On…

In July 2022, we decided to make the most of the Scottish climate and install a rainwater harvesting system to our fuel store*. Our goal when installing this system was to reduce our water and energy usage whilst also reusing a natural resource. The rainwater harvesting system operates by collecting the water into tanks, ready […]
Repurposed PIR Board: Case Study

12-09-22 In December 2021, an Aberdeenshire client had planned to remove glazing from an internal wall between their lounge and dining area, and replace it with plasterboard. To reduce the sound transfer between the two rooms, they got in touch with us to purchase rigid insulation that could be placed between the timber studs. KR […]

27-06-22 Did you know, worms consume dirt, manure, and other organic matter, including food waste, dead roots, leaves, and grass? Their digestive system then turns all of these into what is known as humus. Not to be confused with houmous, humus is a high quality organic compost, which contains all the nutrients required for healthy […]

KR Cladding are advancing on their circular economic journey of repurposing PIR board. This waste is found within disused composite cladding panels when removed from buildings being repaired, refurbished or demolished, with landfill as the only known disposal method. KR Cladding have been developing a circular solution, as rigid insulation board for use in construction […]